I couldn’t put it all into the 100 words to here’s a long explanation of the concept behind my website. It’s a part of the weekly projects of Information and systems (summer term), where we were asked to select 26 objects in our immediate environment; categorize them using LATCH, translate them into other things like memes or exercise moves, and later find a way of exhibiting them. Since my objects already had a global and cultural theme, I originally intended for my outcome to be some sort of Atlas featuring the objects and perhaps some facts about the places they originated from (this was partially influenced by Carmen Sandiego). It would’ve been a book but due to current circumstances, I thought it might be better as something accessible online. A majority of my outcomes for this platform have always been intended for mock ups , I wanted to give it a more digital approach as it would be appropriate for the concept of being stuck at home and wanting to travel else where. This project takes off from last weeks’ converge; where I made my objects into vintage stamp style stickers which were influenced by my grandma’s stamp collection. A lot of the feedback from the collaborate session mentioned improving the layout-The stamp/stickers are now in a web page, arranged to fit with illustrations and facts. So far, only Africa is done as I thought of the idea a few days ago and I didn’t want it to come out rushed. I used wix to create the website but did not want it to look too much like a conventional travel photography blog so I decided to incorporate my own handwriting and illustrations for a more personal aspect, I hope you appreciate it.
(I would've handwritten this too)